Living On Purpose: The Unapologetic Life

Life on purpose

I remember when I first heard the phrase “live unapologetically.” I was at a point in my life where I felt completely overwhelmed with everything going on around me. It’s like I was at a standstill feeling confused, frustrated, and not confident about my future in terms of my purpose in life. Thankfully, I bumped into my mentor and we briefly discussed my mood and attitude. “Chat, live on purpose. Live unapologetically.” That five minute conversation still carries me today.

While living unapologetically, it is essential to BE YOU. Accept yourself right where you are and love all parts of you. Now, I am not suggesting this an easy task. I am working on myself everyday in order to live unapologetically. As a teenager and  young adult I struggled from time to time trying to figure out who I am and where I am going in life, but when I would focus on changing and improving I noticed my weaknesses began to lead me. In the same breath I began to abandon my strengths. I did not feel as if I was not enough, which caused me to apologize for being me because I was not the person I wanted to be. With a great deal of patience and mediation, I am moving forward and becoming more honest with myself everyday. Of course this is not an easy task, but in the end it is renewing and rewarding.

When we do not live unapologetically we obstruct ourselves from our purpose in life. It is so easy to become engaged and caught up in everything going around whether it is good or evil. Look, life is going happen, but WE are in charge on how we handle our circumstances. Ultimately, we must know ourselves, trust our process, and remember we are good enough for ourselves.

Surely I do not have all of the answers, but I can share with you what I know is true. Never apologize for who you are. Never. To live unapologetically means to love yourself unconditionally and fearlessly. Living unapologetically allows you to live in the present, brings forth a true understanding of yourself, and develops a sense of inspiration to be a better you.

Embrace yourself, mediate, and take care of yourself.


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