I Forgive You: An Open Letter

This letter is from my heart to many others.  

I forgive you- An Open Letter

Dear you,

This isn’t easy. Forgiveness takes tons of courage, strength and power. I have to release the pain, let of the fact that you let me down, and did I mention how much you really hurt me? I could cry, kick, scream, and write out all the things you have said and done to me, but nothing would change. Honestly, there were times I could have hated and hosted feelings inside myself to remind me how much pain you brought to me. However, that would not have done any good. All of the hurt would just cause me to become bitter and spiteful.

We were friends. Great friends. And from I thought, best friends. Yes, I trusted you and yes I loved you. I let you in with open arms. You always had my shoulder to lean on. We shared so many laughs and good times. In fact, sometimes I still laugh at the silly things we had in common. I always had your back and saw the beauty in you. I made plans for you to be in my life forever. Shopping dates. Ice cream binges. Late night Oovoo/Skype conversations. Life talks. Clothing swaps. All gone away. And for what? Petty differences? Pride? Jealously? Lack of communication? Right now, it doesn’t matter what and how it ended. Despite our frustrating fallouts and arguments, I forgive you.

Don’t get me wrong, I am sure I have hurt you too. For everything I have done to hurt anyone, I am sorry. As a human I trust too easy, love too quickly, and say things I really don’t mean. Let me be clear. I am not forgiving you because it is the right thing to do. I am not forgiving you because I have forgotten about anything. I am forgiving you because I remember everything. You see, if I can remember all of the memories we shared and how they made me feel so happy, loved, and appreciated, then yes, I can do us both a favor and forgive you. You are worthy forgiveness just like I am worthy to let go and live my life. I am blessed, alive, grateful, and most certainly wise. I know what it feels like to love and loss. Thankfully, I can share my experience with others to help them towards forgiveness as well as live a fuller life.

I wish nothing but the best for you. Sending good vibes.




7 thoughts on “I Forgive You: An Open Letter

  1. This touched me. People always say to forgive, but I always say how? I want to forgive people who hurt me, but didn’t know how to let go, but you’ve inspired me to write an open letter and release!

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    1. It’s never easy to forgive. How do you let go of those who hurt you? But then I ask myself “Why should I hold on to those who hurt me?” Life is too short you know? I have many people around me who love me and I love them. My mentor told me something very real one day: Meet people where they are and love them anyway. I live by those words. I am filled with joy knowing that you have been inspired by this letter. I can’t wait to read yours! Be blessed!

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    1. Thank you, Ashley! It’s never easy. In fact, I believe this is something I will be working on for the rest of my life. I appreciate your words and yes, life is good. Sending lots of love and good vibes 😘


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